All Canadian Government Departments can order any model of EDI Time Zone Clocks on Standing Offer through our Canadian Distributor Visual Planning 2015 Corp
2022/2023 Canadian STANDING OFFER # E60HN-21AVSO/041/HN MAX PER CALLUP $400,000.00 , call or email for pricing 1-888-884-5444 Canada Toll Free,
6 Field Time Zone Display. Dimensions: 89"L x 8"H x 2.5"D
Six fields of 2.25" high numbers and 1.6" high digital locations.
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
PC software and IR remote provided
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
Enclosure: 89"L x 8"H x 2.5"D
Bright 2.25" High LED Display with Six Time Zone Fields
Bright, 1.6" High digital lettering for locations
HH:MM in Military Time Format.
PC Software and IR remote provided to program each field
Six-Field Time Zone Display with Vinyl Lettering.
Full Color Digits for Time
Dimensions: 68"L x 8"H x 2.5"D
Visible up to 90 Feet.
PC software and IR remote Included.
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
Dimensions: 68"L x 8"H x 3"D
Bright Full Color 2.25" High LED Display with Six Time Zone Fields
White, vinyl location designations under each time zone
Four Fields time zone display with moving message marquee. Featuring 1.8" high numeric digits for time and vinyl lettering for locations. The single-line moving message sign features three colors for optimal customization. PC software and IR remote provided to program both the time zone display and message marquee.
Four-Time Zone Fields
Moving Message Marquee
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
Enclosure: 46"L x 16"H x 3"D
Bright 1.8" High Numbers and vinyl locations
Time of Day Clock in HH:MM in Military Time Format.
Display time / location and date. The horizontal series time zone displays have bar segment time displays with a ten character dot matrix digital zone label below. The digital zone labels can hold any ASCII test string and is independent of the time zone parameters. Every display includes a high accuracy crystal oscillator and your choice of Ethernet, USB or RS232 interface for time zone parameter control
Three-Field Time Zone Display with 1.8" High Digital Lettering.
Dims: 42"L x 8"H x 2.5"D
1.2" High Alpha-numeric lettering for Location. Viewable up to 80 Feet.
PC software and IR remote to program
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
Enclosure: 42"L x 8"H x 2.5"D
3 fields of 1.8" High red LED numbers for time
Red 1.2" high digital lettering for locations.
HH:MM in Military Time Format.
PC Software and IR remote provided to program each field
Five-Field Time Zone Display with Vinyl Lettering. Available in 1.8" high numbers!
Full Color Digits for Time
Dimensions: 56"L x 8"H x 3"D
Viewing Distance up to 80 feet.
PC software and IR remote Included.
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
Bright 1.8" High LED Display with Five Time Zone Fields
56"L x 8"H x 3"D
White vinyl location designators under each time zone
Time of Day Clock in HH:MM in Military Time Format.
Three-Field Time Zone Display with Vinyl Lettering.
Full Color Digits for Time
Dimensions: 38"L x 8"H x 2.5"D
Visible up to 90 Feet.
PC software and IR remote included.
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
Bright Full Color 2.25" High LED Display with Three Time Zone Fields
Dims: 38"L x 8"H x 2.5"D
White, vinyl location designators under each time zone
Time of Day Clock in HH:MM in Military Time Format.
Dimensions: 26"L x 8"H x 2.25"D .
The clock includes two push buttons on the end cap are used for fast set and slow set. A terminal block inside the display can be used to wire in remote switches.
Bright 4.0" High LED Display with Six Digits
Two Push buttons on the end cap to set hours and minutes.
Five Fields time zone display with moving message marquee. Featuring 1.8" high numeric digits for time and vinyl lettering for locations. The single-line moving message sign features three colors for optimal customization. PC software and IR remote provided to program both the time zone display and message marquee.
Five-Time Zone Fields
Moving Message Marquee
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
Enclosure: 56"L x 16"H x 3"D
Bright 1.8" High Numbers and vinyl locations
Time of Day Clock in HH:MM in Military Time Format.
Full Color Capability. Display time / location and date. The horizontal series time zone displays have bar segment time displays with a ten character dot matrix digital zone label below. The digital zone labels can hold any ASCII test string and is independent of the time zone parameters. Every display includes a high accuracy crystal oscillator and your choice of Ethernet, USB or RS232 interface for time zone parameter control
Full Color Capability. Display time / location and date. The horizontal series time zone displays have bar segment time displays with a ten character dot matrix digital zone label below. The digital zone labels can hold any ASCII test string and is independent of the time zone parameters. Every display includes a high accuracy crystal oscillator and your choice of Ethernet, USB or RS232 interface for time zone parameter control
Four-Field Time Zone Display with 1.8" High Digital Lettering.
Dims: 54"L x 8"H x 2.5"D
1.2" High Alpha-numeric lettering for Location. Up to 80 feet Viewing
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
Enclosure: 54"L x 8"H x 2.5"D
Bright 1.8" High LED Display with Four Time Zone Fields
Bright, 1.2" High Alpha-Numeric Fixed or Moving Text Under Each Field
Time of Day Clock in HH:MM in Military Time Format.
PC Software to Create and Send Text Messages to Each LED Field
Five-Field Time Zone Display with 1.8" High Digital Lettering.
Dims: 64"L x 8"H x 2.5"D
1.2" high alpha-numeric lettering for Location. Up to 80 feet Viewing
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
PC software and IR remote provided
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
Enclosure: 64"L x 8"H x 2.5"D
Red 1.8" High LED Display with Five Time Zone Fields
Red 1.2" high digital lettering under each field
HH:MM in Military Time Format.
PC Software and IR remote provided to program each field
Full Color Capability. The horizontal series time zone displays have bar segment time displays with a ten character dot matrix digital zone label below. The digital zone labels can hold any ASCII test string and is independent of the time zone parameters. Every display includes a high accuracy crystal oscillator and your choice of Ethernet, USB or RS232 interface for time zone parameter control
Full Color Capability!
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
Bright 2.25" High LED Display with Three to Nine Time Zone Fields
Bright, 1.2" High Alpha-Numeric Fixed or Moving Text Under Each Field
Time of Day Clock in HH:MM in Military Time Format.
PC Software to Create and Send Text Messages to Each LED Field
Six Fields time zone display with moving message marquee. Featuring 1.8" high numeric digits for time and vinyl lettering for locations. The single-line moving message sign features three colors for optimal customization. PC software and IR remote provided to program both the time zone display and message marquee.
Six-Time Zone Fields
Moving Message Marquee
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
Enclosure: 66"L x 16"H x 3"D
Bright 1.8" High Numbers and vinyl locations
Time of Day Clock in HH:MM in Military Time Format.
Six-Field Time Zone Display with 1.8" high red digital numbers for time
1.2" high red digital locations
Dims: 75"L x 8"H x 2.5"D
Up to 80 feet Viewing
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
PC software and IR remote provided
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
Enclosure: 75"L x 8"H x 2.5"D
Red 1.8" High LED Display with Six Time Zone Fields
Red 1.2" High digital lettering under each field
HH:MM in Military Time Format.
PC Software to Create and Send Text Messages to Each LED Field
Six-Field Time Zone Display with Vinyl Lettering. Available in 1.8" high numbers!
Full Color for Digits
Dimensions: 66"L x 8"H x 3"D
Viewable up to 80 feet.
PC software and IR remote Included.
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
Bright 1.8" High LED Display with Six Time Zone Fields
66"L x 8"H x 3"D
White vinyl location designators under each time zone
Time of Day Clock in HH:MM in Military Time Format.
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
Dimensions: 60"L x 16"H x 2.5"D
Bright 2.25" High LED Display with Eight Time Zone Fields in a 2 by 4 grid design
Bright, 1.2" High Alpha-Numeric Fixed or Moving Text Under Each Field
Time of Day Clock in HH:MM in Military Time Format.
PC Software to Create and Send Text Messages to Each LED Field
Mounting Brackets
Full Color Time and Locations
Dimensions: 60"L x 16"H x 2.5"D
The 2 by 4 grid design allows for 8 time zone fields to be displayed.
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
2.25" Numbers for Time and 1.6" High Alphanumeric Text for Locations
Seven Fields time zone display with moving message marquee. Featuring 1.8" high numeric digits for time and vinyl lettering for locations. The single-line moving message sign features three colors for optimal customization. PC software and IR remote provided to program both the time zone display and message marquee.
Seven-Time Zone Fields
Moving Message Marquee
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
Enclosure: 76"L x 16"H x 3"D
Bright 1.8" High Numbers and vinyl locations
Time of Day Clock in HH:MM in Military Time Format.
Seven-Field Time Zone Display with Vinyl Lettering. Available in 1.8" high numbers!
Full Color Digits for Time
Dimensions: 76"L x 8"H x 3"D
Viewing Distance up to 80 Feet
PC software and IR remote Included.
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
Bright 1.8" High LED Display with Seven Time Zone Fields
76"L x 8"H x 3"D
White vinyl location designators under each time zone
Time of Day Clock in HH:MM in Military Time Format.
The 6" model includes a terminal block inside the display can be used to wire in remote switches. The customer-supplied, momentary switches are used for fast set and slow set.
Bright 6" High Numbers with Four Digits Using an LED Pixel Design
Two Push buttons on a remote keypad to set hours and minutes.
Time of Day Clock in HH:MM format.
Unlimited Technical Support
Mounting Brackets
Complete Instructions
Factory Service One-Year Warranty on Parts and Labor
The 8" model includes a terminal block inside the display can be used to wire in remote switches. The customer-supplied, momentary switches are used for fast set and slow set.
Bright 8" High Numbers with Four Digits Using an LED Pixel Design
Two Push buttons on a remote keypad to set hours and minutes.
Time of Day Clock in HH:MM format.
Unlimited Technical Support
Mounting Brackets
Complete Instructions
Factory Service One-Year Warranty on Parts and Labor
The vertical series time zone displays have bar segment time displays with a ten character dot matrix digital zone labels and ten character dot matrix alpha-numeric dates in a vertical orientation.
The digital zone labels can hold any ASCII text string and is independent of the time zone parameters. The unit can display up to 12 time zones even if there is less physical displays by paging through the time zones. Every display includes a high accuracy crystal oscillator, and your choice of Ethernet, USB or RS232 interface for time zone parameter and format control.
GSA Contract GS-02F-0134V
Vertical Design
Bright 2.25" High LED Display with Three to Nine Time Zone Fields
Bright, 1.2" High Alpha-Numeric Fixed or Moving Text Under Each Field
Time of Day Clock in HH:MM in Military Time Format.
Terminal Block to Wire in Customer Supplied Contacts
PC Software to Create and Send Text Messages to Each LED Field