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Electronic Displays Solutions

Need an Electronic Display? We have the solution.

Electronic Displays Inc Customer Testimonials

Electronic Displays IncLED UP-TIMER - Used to Time Truck Loading Times

"This LED Timer display is acting exactly as we planned. The dock workers have to keep up with our schedule

and this display alerts them throughout the docking area."

Logisitics Planner 
Popular Delivery Company

Electronic Displays

ED400MPC Production Control Board - Used to Establish Production Schedules

"We installed the new firmware, and it is operating as expected. Please accept a hearty thank you to your management, engineering staff, and yourself for all of your effort. Please note that this will be added to our standard product offering, and we're expecting an order for 14 more of the signs within the next 2 months. We appreciate your support and effort. "

Dave Dion 
Vice-president, Sales 
Production Process

ED400MPC Production Control Board - Used to Establish Production Schedules

"We have had nothing but success with the industrial scoreboards we ordered. They have proven to save our company money

and let the the employees feel like they are part of a team."

John H. - Production Manager
Food Processing Company

ED406-102-4D-N1 - Used to Measure Truck Loading/Unloading Time

"I’d like to thank your salesman, Ben, who took the time to go over all of the products, features and options that are available. You have a wide variety of products and he helped me find the electronic timer that best fit our stores needs. Since installing the timer, we have sharply reduced our trailer unloading time. We have shown your product to visitors to our store, and they have expressed interest in your product as well. You should be seeing more referrals soon."

Thank you again,

John- Logistics Executive
Large Retail Store Logisitcs

Electronic Displays

Semi-Outdoor Message Sign Used to Increase Store Traffic

" I will say that the sign draws attention to the store and has helped educate customers

on what we do and what we sell, before they walk through the door."

Wireless Store

Over 43 Years providing Quality LED Display Products